Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Sepia Tone Christmas

El Nino is messing with my holiday.  Part of the fun of going to dad's for Christmas is getting my annual "snow fix" in.  Not this year though.  Everything is winter shades of brown... kinda like the old pictures... also known as Sepia Tone.  Btw, El Nino also has a twisted sense of humor.  It's supposed to start snowing the day after I leave, then turn into a blizzard.  At least I shouldn't have travel delays...  "shouldn't"... no guarantees.

Now that I've finished my whining about the lack of snow on Christmas, it's time to move on to other things since my celebration of Christmas is not dependent on the weather.  Tonight I'll be attending the Christmas Eve program at the Florence Christian Church.  Being the sci fi geek that I am, I love the title:  "Star Trip: Our Faith Awakens".   If you're in Florence, it starts at 6:00 pm.  This will be the first time I get to hear my friend John Branson deliver a message, and I'm looking forward to it.

This Christmas, remember why we celebrate.  Jesus came to earth to save us, and this is the time we celebrate His birth.  Yeah, I know there's a decent case to be made for the fact that He most likely wasn't born in December; but that doesn't mean we shouldn't celebrate the fact that He came to save us; not only at Christmas, but every day.

Merry Christmas!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Celebrations and Service

Last night, I had the privilege of seeing my friends Russell and Brooke get married.  It was an absolutely beautiful sunset wedding.  It was a fun time celebrating God's goodness in bringing these two together.

While they are on their honeymoon, I'm filling in for administrative things at The Fellowship at Scofield Farms, including our collection and packing party for Operation Christmas Child, as well as decorating the church for Christmas. I admit the last one is more enjoyable for me because I love decorating for Christmas.

I know that the administrative things will require some rearranging of my schedule.  I'm just praying that it doesn't drive me too crazy.  We'll see.  However, even if it does drive me crazy, I know that it's service to the church and God will take is as an offering since He knows my heart.

So congratulations to Mr & Mrs Daniel!  And bring on the holidays!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Multi-tasking & justification

So I'm writing while I'm watching football.  Kansas State is playing TX Christian.  Eat Em Up KSU!  I'm also watching a Hallmark movie that I've seen before during commercial breaks - which there seem to be a lot of on Fox. (no I'm not happy about that - I'm watching more of the movie than I am the game). Oh, and let's not forget that I have the ESPN College Football web page up on my computer so I can keep track of other scores.  While this is perfectly acceptable multi-tasking, sometimes we should be single minded and single focused.

Psalm 46:10 say "Be still and know that I am God."  To me this mean there is a time an place where we should be focused on God alone.  I tend to relate Biblical truths to songs, as it helps me remember them.  For this particular verse there is a song by Kim Hill, that says it in a perfect way that has always spoken to me, "Be Still & Know" from her first self titled album.

In life's busy-ness, we tend to justify multi-tasking a lot of things, including spending time with God.  We think this makes us be more effective in our spiritual life, but in fact it's the opposite.  God is jealous and there are times when He wants our undivided attention.

I admit I've done a lot of multi-tasking over the last few months... more than usual.  I've gotten rather good at it.  Sometimes it was good and necessary.  Sometimes it was a Hail Mary move as a result of procrastinating - which I'm also really good at.  I've also multi-tasked things I shouldn't have, including spending time with God - and I've justified it by saying thins like it was perfectly fine to pray while doing other things as prayer is a conversation with God that can happen any time and anywhere.  Not to say this isn't true, but there are also times when I need to be alone with God, giving Him my undivided attention... time to "be still and know that He is God".

I'm grateful that Pastor Russell, at The Fellowship at Scofield Farms, has started a practice at the end of First Monday Prayer where the last 5 minutes is spent being still before God.  It's a good reminder.  Hopefully I'll get better at remembering more often on my own.  Better yet, I'm praying that God will help me remember to give Him my undivided attention.  That's really the only way it will happen.

I know this isn't like my usual posts, but I believe it's what I'm supposed to write this evening.

OK, the K-State/TCU game is getting interesting.  While I'll still multi-task, I'm going to pay more attention to the game for a bit.

Friday, August 07, 2015

“D” Week

“D” is for de-compress, de-stress, de-clutter, desire, discover, depend, decide, define, determine & divine.  I’m sure there are more “D’s” that played a part in this week, but those are the ones that come to mind. 

I’ve been on a ‘stay-cation’ this week.  And while I had big plans, I kept getting side-tracked.  Even though I didn’t get as much done in some areas (de-cluttering), I made remarkable progress in others.  However, it’s still a work in progress – just as I am a work in progress.

My vacation started last Friday with the Vacation Bible School Block Party at The Fellowship at Scofield Farms.   It was a fun way to end VBS; but we were pretty tired after it was all over.  I spent the next few days catching up with things that had gotten set aside for VBS, including my Bible Study, Made to Crave, with women from Northwest Fellowship. What I have been discovering in this study is that I need a changed mind-set so that I can desire God over food.  No, that doesn’t mean giving up food, and a lifetime of fasting, but having it in its proper role in my life.  The mindset is that there is nothing in my life that I place over God; and that he should be the first and last thing I depend on in my daily life.  This study, like my life, is a work in progress.

I’ve also been able to make some decisions about the Women’s Ministry, church events, and Fall Women’s Retreat; however, there are still some ministry decisions to be made.  Gratefully there is still some time to make the decisions.  I did finish the registration packet for the Fall Retreat, and was able to get some of the supplies for the retreat packet.  I’m getting more excited about the retreat at things are coming together.  I’m also excited to get to see my friend, Lora Jones, as she is going to be the speaker at the retreat. 

De-cluttering… the most daunting of all my goals, and still a work in progress.  That’s all I’m saying on that.

One of the more fun parts of the week was getting to have dinner with my sister and some of her friends while she was doing training at Ft Hood. 

The other unexpected thing was a ‘divine appointment’ this morning.  I was having coffee with some of my sisters from Northwest Fellowship, and got to meet a wonderful lady who works with women and children in Mexico along with one of the girls who grew up in the children’s home, is going to school in Dallas, and wants to become a doctor.  We talked some about providing services in underserved areas, and possible programs that may possibly help her.  I ended up giving her my business card; and am hoping she will contact me so I can look into ways to help this precious daughter of God. 

I’m not going back to work until Tuesday, so I still have time to work on the “D’s”; and maybe add some more.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Being Unseen

I spent the day at Northwest Fellowship watching a replay of the "Undivided Heart" simulcast by Leslie Ludy; and learned a lot.  I was also convicted of a few things.  In talking about motives for ministry, she made the point that God must purify my motives.
She made a statement that stuck with me. She said that we "must be willing to be unseen." I admit that sometimes I like the appearance of being unseen, while craving selfish acknowledgements of the things I do. I know my spiritual gifts include ones that have me working behind the scenes (see my last blog entry and/or Romans 12 for more on spiritual gifts); but I still struggle with wanting to be appreciated.  It's a fine line to walk, that I don't always manage to walk.

I still have more to process from today, but this was this point that struck me, and convicted me the most

Saturday, June 13, 2015

29 with 20 yrs of Experience

Yep.  I'm a woman admitting my age.  Or at least what will be my age tomorrow.  I wish I was creative enough (or in denial enough) to come up with how to state my age.  My friend from high school, Lisa Mayfield, came up with this.  I liked it enough that I told her I was going to steal/use it.

My actual 29th birthday, when I had no experience at being 29, was the last birthday I spent in Kansas.  I had just come back from Colombia, where I has spent the school year teaching at El Camino Academy.  The school has gone through at lot of changes since I was a teacher there.  And to the Class of 1995... It's been fun seeing how you have grown over the years.

The 20 yrs of experience... well that's too long of a story for one blog entry.  However, there are some changes that bear mentioning... and I'm not just talking about hair color... although that's changed several times.

In preparation for the new sermon series on Spiritual Gifts at church, I took a new spiritual gifts analysis.  I have to admit the results were somewhat surprising to me.  I think this is the first time that "Administration" was not one of my highest gifts.  (So there Chad McMillan and Darren Williams, the 2 who tagged me with the gift of Administration all those years ago. And aren't you jealous Jennie Loftis)  My top 3 from today's analysis, in order, are Pastor/Shepherd (I'm not going to seminary, so don't go there), Showing Mercy, & Teaching.  The second one kinda put a kink in one of the examples in Pastor Russell's sermon for tomorrow, which I admit made me laugh as I called to tell him.  I'm sure he'll adjust just fine.

It seems that what were once my secondary gifts have become my primary gifts; and what used to be my primary gifts of Serving (helps), Administration & Exhortation (encouragement) are now my secondary gifts.  I'm sure that this is in no small part to leading the Women's Ministry and Small Group Bible Study at The Fellowship at Scofield Farms.  One thing I've learned in my years of experience (even those before age 29) is that spiritual gifts can strengthen and weaken due to use or non-use.  But that doesn't mean I don't use my secondary gifts, or even the ones that are my weakest (Evangelism, Prophesy, & Giving).  I'm still so thankful to Tom Westbrook for the extremely intense retreat on Spiritual Gifts, Spiritual Armor, & Fruit of the Spirit in Spring 1992 which has given me a broader view of spiritual gifts and how to use them.  It has stayed with me all these years, and contributed greatly to the "20 yrs of experience".

If you're in Austin and want to learn more about Spiritual Gifts, join us at The Fellowship at Scofield Farms at 10:00 am on Sundays for the next few weeks.

It will be interested in seeing what the next 20 yrs of experience will bring.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Normal Level of Crazy

I'm not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing to have a "normal" level of crazy.  While I think I come by it honestly (you'll understand if you're family or you have met any of my family); I'm not sure if there's any basis for it in scripture.  Of course my "Martha" (Martha of Bethany, not Martha Stewart) personality, can totally relate to having a normal level of crazy given the number of things that need to be taken care of on a daily basis; and even the unexpected things that make things really crazy.

Given the ultra-crazy season I've just gone thru, returning to a normal level of crazy is a somewhat a relief.  However, I have friends who are going thru seasons of "above normal" crazy.  This includes surgery and other health issues; problems with children and their health; interpersonal and family relationship issues; financial issues; spiritual and emotional crises; and many more.

The encouraging thing about seasons of above normal levels of crazy, is when it leads us to the feet of Jesus, just like Martha's sister Mary.  I'm thinking that having at least some level of crazy in my life can keep me from becoming complacent, and still bring me to God.  So while it may not be Biblical to have a "normal level of crazy"; it can still be used by God to bring us the feet of Jesus and encourage us to stay there more than we would otherwise. My hope and prayer is that even during the seasons when I am at the "normal level of crazy", I still remember to sit at Jesus feet.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Obedience and Annoyance

Don't you hate it when you are obedient even when you don't want to be, and then find yourself annoyed because it lead to something you needed to learn and didn't even realize it?  Yeah me too.

And now I have Keith Green's song "To Obey is Better Than Sacrifice" going thru my head. That isn't a bad thing. It's never a bad thing to have a Keith Green song in my head. [yes, I realize that was random, but those who have known me for a while will get it]

So this post is coming from ministry frustrations.  It's not the first time it's happened, but it's the first time it's happened at my current church, The Fellowship at Scofield Farms.  We had an outreach event on Friday.  Because the pastor had another event, I agree'd to unlock the church for set up, and help with the set up.  As it turned out, I was the only one there setting up. I know things happened, but that didn't stop me from feeling hurt and taken advantage of, and therefore upset. Also, the reaction to me being upset, or more importantly the lack of a satisfactory reaction; i.e., one that included an apology and acknowledged that I was upset; left me more upset and angry at the pastor.  

I should interject that the event was pretty successful and we had over 100 people attend.

Anyway, I was upset enough that I spent Saturday still angry and childishly coming up with excuses for missing church today, but kept hearing the word "obedience" in my head. As a result, when this morning came, I decided to be obedient and go to church, even though I really, really did not want to.  The sermon topic was 'Trusting Jesus During the Storms of Life'. At one point, he was talking about trusting Jesus instead of letting your emotions run away with you; and one of the examples he used was going to church even when you don't want to. Needless to say, I was more than mildly annoyed. But this was the type of annoyance that comes from realizing I needed to hear this.

Long story short, by the end of the sermon I was in tears, but in a good way; have asked for forgiveness for my anger. It was gracefully given. Many thanks to Aimee and Sofia for the prayers and talk after church.

This isn't to say that I won't still have frustrations, or that I won't let my emotions take over, because I am an emotional person by nature; but the important thing is that I know I can still be obedient even when I don't feel like it and it's annoying.

Saturday, April 04, 2015

The Bitter Sweetness of Easter Weekend

For the last several years, Easter weekend has always been bitter sweet for me.  

Let's start with the sweetness of the weekend, which the joy and hope found in Christ's sacrifice and resurrection. I'm sure the disciples didn't see that on Friday or Saturday though.  How could they?  Jesus had bee crucified and buried.  It was not until Easter Sunday that they saw the joy and started to understand what had been done for us.  So this weekend had to have been bitter sweet for them as well.  It's really the only way to truly describe great sorrow followed by great joy.

For me personally, yes the sweetness comes in celebrating the joy and hope in the weekend because I know that I will get to spend eternity with God.  The sorrow comes in being separated from loved ones.  Easter day in 2002 was the last time I talked to my mom. She passed away a few days later on April 4, 2002; 13 years ago today.  

One of mom's Glamour Shots.

Also my brother Danny passed away on Easter in 2007, April 7th, which will be 8 years ago this coming Tuesday. Danny's passing was not totally unexpected as he was suffering from complications of Multiple Sclerosis and a brain tumor.  Mom's passing however, was a total shock.  She was not only my mom, but one of my best friends.  I still miss both of them; but I also know I will see them again in heaven.  This is more joy and hope that follows sorrow.

I know there are others who understand the bitter sweetness of the weekend.  My friends from High School, Patty and Mike buried their younger brother Les on Good Friday.  Patty and I talk about it every so often as we both understand what the other is feeling.  Only those who have experienced something similar can understand.

Because of this, I think I can understand some of what the disciples and followers of Jesus felt on that weekend.  However, I have an advantage on this Saturday before Easter because I know how it ends.  The Saturday before Easter Sunday, they didn't.  I am thankful the hope I have.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Endings... or maybe not

No, I'm not ending the blog... you can't shut me up that easily.  However, things ending does seem to be a theme right now.  One of my co-workers had his last day in our office on Thursday.  Kelly will be missed.  Now we'll have to talk smack over e-mail.  He went to West Virginia, so now there's the in conference rivalry.  I can't find the picture of his cubicle after K-State be WV last fall.  It included purple streamers and I had fun decorating. [insert evil laugh].

I'm also sitting here watching the end of the Kentucky-Notre Dame game in the College Basketball Tournament.  Quite honestly, all of my teams are out, and my brackets are totally busted, so I'm done cheering for specific teams.  Although I will be interested to see what happens tomorrow when Duke and Gonzaga play.  

Since we're talking endings... Kentucky ended that game in a really fun way.  It was a nail-biter, and an exciting ending!  I'd rather have endings like that than a blowout - unless of course it's a K-State blowout win.  And that will never end.

Time to shift topics within the bigger topic.  This coming Tuesday is also the last session for our Women's Bible Study in Beth Moore's study of Revelation.  I must say it's been a wild ride, and I'm kind of sad we're coming to the end of it.  But I'm looking forward to seeing what God will do next with the Women's Bible Study at The Fellowship at Scofield Farms.  

And while we're talking about church, and faith, tomorrow is Palm Sunday, and we celebrate the beginning of the last week of Christ's life here on earth - also known as Holy Week.  It is reassuring to me to know that Christ's life is not over, that He defeated death, and still lives.

Palm Sunday last year was the first time I attended church at The Fellowship.  It's been an interesting and sometimes challenging year.  I am thankful God lead me to this church; and don't really see an ending here any time soon. 

The last ending, is ending this post.  Tune in for the next post...  

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Temporary Insanity & Brackets

Yep, it's that time of year... the NCAA Basketball Tournament.  I admit I can turn into a raving lunatic - well more than some, but not as bad as others.  This year should be a mild year since my Wildcats aren't going to the dance - men or women.  There are plenty of Big 12 Conference teams to cheer for (with the possible exception of OU), not to mention Wichita State.  Yes, I admit it, I like the Shockers - as long as they aren't playing the Wildcats or the Longhorns.

I was posting comments with my friend Rick during the Selection Show talking about how interesting it's could be if KU plays Wichita State.  I don't know who I'd cheer for in that case; because even though I may get flogged and/or disowned for saying this, I actually like Jayhawk Basketball -  and I'll probably never hear the end of it from my KU friends (yes that means you Rob Hett). However, as I've already mentioned, I also like the Shockers.

For now I'll just leave it at "Let the Madness Begin!"

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Biting my tongue and speaking my mind.

In my last post I made a comment about winter in central TX being short.  So much for that idea.  Time to bite my tongue.  We had freezing temps and rain last night - and it's MARCH!!!  The agency is closed today - which is why I get to blog in the middle of the day (while watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade).

I've long had the great ability of sticking my foot in my mouth... speaking my mind (and often being sarcastic) when I should be biting my tongue and keeping silent.  I'm still trying to learn when I should speak my mind instead of holding my tongue - moreso when talking to those I don't necessarily know.  I'm OK with people I know and trust, so most people don't realize that I'm an introvert who overcompensates.  I can also speak up when needed for work, because my job includes giving presentations to different groups and providing information at exhibit tables during different events.

When it comes down to it, I get the most timid when it comes to verbally sharing my faith with strangers.  Being a geek-nerd-white trash growing up, I found it safer and less painful to shut up and try to blend into the woodwork.  It's not that I don't know how to share my faith; but I tend to mess up when speaking about it.  I tend to communicate much better in writing... thus this blog.

I was thankful for this week's sermon at church.  Our guest speaker gave a sermon on How to Share the Gospel (you can watch it on You Tube), and then talked more about practical methods during lunch. It really wasn't anything new for me; so the issue is not knowledge and ability, but boldness and obedience.  

Enter yesterday's post by Margaret Feinberg on disobedience... It's good, and you should read it. I found it fairly convicting.  My prayer now is that my boldness in writing about faith in Christ will help me develop boldness in speaking about faith in Christ to those who need to hear it whether I know them or not.  If you are reading this and have questions about faith in Christ, feel free to ask.  Maybe we can talk about it.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

There is a Season

This is a continuation of my life in songs.  Right now, it's a Willie Nelson song... "On the Road Again".  This is the time year that I'm very seldom in the office, but work a lot of hours. Which explains why I'm watching the Oscars in a hotel room instead of at home or a friend's house.  Between medical clinician educational conferences, job fairs, presentations to students and residents, clinic site visits, and health profession fairs I spend a good amount of time on the road in a rental car and in hotels.  Last week I managed to put 3 events into 3 days: a presentation to the Family Medicine Interest Group at UT Southwestern Medical School; a site visit to Mission East Dallas, where I got to reconnect with a colleague and put a face to several calls and e-mails; and exhibiting at the TX Academy of Physician Assistants spring conference. 

After getting home yesterday afternoon, I was home log enough to sleep in my bed for a night, catch up on missed episodes of NCIS, go to church, change out suitcases, then hit the road again.  I was asked how I was this morning, and my response was "The normal level of crazy".  Some days are more crazy than others.  I was thankful for this morning where I could slow down for an hour or so at church.  

This coming week is known as "Swing Week" for 5 undergraduate universities to have their health professions fairs. This is something I do every year, and have done it often enough that I see the same people, and continue to build professional relationships.  We start with the University of Houston, then Texas A & M University, The University of Texas at Austin, The University of Texas San Antonio, and finish with Texas State University.  

In the midst of this, I'm also trying to plan events for the Women's Ministry at The Fellowship at Scofield Farms, including a fall retreat where my friend Lora Jones, will be the speaker.  

As I read what I've written, I'm starting to think that during this period my life isn't in songs as much as it is in links.  Mainly because I'm looking at how many links are in this post and the professional links I'm building and renewing.  Thankfully this season is a short one (like winter in TX) because it's quite tiring.

Sunday, February 08, 2015

To Everything...

There are times when it seems that my life is a series of songs; and the song depends on the day/month/season of my life.  It could be new songs such as "All About That Bass" by Meghan Trainor, or old ones, like "Turn! Turn! Turn!" by The Byrds: "To everything, turn, turn, turn.  There is a season, turn, turn, turn".  If either song is stuck in your head now, I make no apologies, in fact, I'm probably laughing [insert evil laugh: mwa ha ha ha].  The laughing part comes from a game we played while I was a student at Kansas State University, where you'd randomly insert lyrics into a conversation and see if you could get a song stuck in someone's head. If you did, then you won (mainly bragging rights - style points depending on how it was done.)  Thanks to Chuck and Rob for introducing me to that game.
I brought the game with me to the University of Texas where I had a whole new playing field.  There I advanced it to an art form after conditioning a friend to the point where Burke hears "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" in his head without using lyrics and simply saying "German hymn".  [insert more evil laughter].  Apparently Pavlov and Martin Luther make a good team.  

In all fairness, I fall victim to it too; and not just because I have a former roommate who was a musician; and several friends who are musicians.  During today's sermon at The Fellowship at Scofield Farms, I found myself hearing Kim Hill's song "Charm is Deceitful" because Pastor Russell was preaching from Proverbs 31, focusing for a while on verse 30: "Charm is deceitful, beauty is vain...".  Normally I have a problem when the Proverbs 31 woman comes up because I know that I am very far from being one.  I've always thought that becoming one was impossible, mainly because it covers things involving a husband and family, neither of which I have.  However focusing on the fear of Lord, makes it seem more attainable.  

I'm always working on coming to grips with my imperfections, and fixing them when possible. This is one more step.

Post Script:  A song about seasons is also appropriate today as I watch the blue birds flitting through the trees outside my house on a warm sunny day.  I hesitate to say "spring" day because even though it feels like spring, it's still February.  One more reason I love living in central TX.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Becoming Un-entangled. Thank you Beth Moore!

Last night, I had the privilege of hearing Beth Moore speak at Shoreline Church.  I got to go with several women I attend church with, and serve with at The Fellowship at Scofield Farms.  This is some, but not all of us:  

L - R: Brooke, April, Carol, Terron, Donna, & me.

I was also lucky to run into several friends from other churches: Amy, Leece, Lisa, Sheila, it was good to see you there.  I know there were other friends there that I didn't actually get to see, but considering there were approximately 5,000 in attendance, there was no way to see everyone I knew. (Sorry Tisha).  Also my new friend Mary Anne Kent from Northwest Fellowship was one of the ladies offering an opening prayer.   

Admittedly I was still kinda frazzled from coordinating logistics for the evening for the ladies at church for most of the week.  Yes there were lessons learned from that process. Friends had told me during the week to relax.  I jokingly told them (to relieve stress) that I'd relax when the program started.  As it turned out, that's exactly what happened.  

Even though I forgot to take a notebook, there were several take away's that I will remember... partially because I put some of them in the comments after I checked in on my Facebook page:

     "I love the Lord because..." [fill in the blank and make sure you tell others so they can know Him too]

     "It ain't gonna kill you."

     "He never 'entangles' us"  to which my friend Katy replied: "No. He doesn't. He ENJOYS us!"

I also amused (and semi-impressed) myself when Beth referred to Daniel 5.  Because we completed Beth's study on the Book of Daniel last fall, I knew exactly where she was going with it.  I also knew where she was going with the reference to Hebrews 12:1.

The major take away from the evening was a realization that there are some things I've been holding on to that entangles me from time to time, and I needed to, in the words of the over-played and cheesy song from Frozen, "Let It Go".  I think there is a part of me that kind of realized this, but since no one had actually said anything about being "entangled", it was easy to push it aside and ignore it, especially since some of it deals with family history. 

I know there are some things I still need to work on; and that will be the case until I go home to heaven; but last night brought progress and growth.

Thank you Beth for allowing God to work thru you!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Karma, Predestination, & Revelation

I spent this morning judging a science fair at River Oaks Elementary.  There are some smart kids at that school  This morning there were some nervous kids as well.  It was fun and interesting.  I was told that volunteering at the school was good community service and would bring good karma.  Sometimes I think karma is attributed to things that aren't necessarily done for karma.  I decided to look up the definition of karma and what I thought it would be was confirmed.  What surprised me was the list of synonyms.  It includes "predestination".  I think I was surprised because it didn't occur to me that a term from Buddhism and Hinduism could have a synonym from Christianity.  However both are tied to destiny.  It's just that the destiny comes from different sources, each accepted by some and rejected by others.  Needless to say this was a revelation to me.

The other revelation in my week was beginning Beth Moore's study of the book of Revelation with the Women's Bible Study I lead at The Fellowship at Scofield Farms.  While I had expected to learn from this study, I was still surprised at... well, basically how much I didn't know or understand.  I am so thankful that Beth Moore has done a lot of the hard work for this study.  I'm going to have to work hard enough to keep up and continue to learn from this study.  I'm really looking forward to learning more and exploring what it means to me. Thanks be to God, and Thank You Beth Moore! 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Year, New Blog

So it's a new year, and since I haven't written in a while (years ?!?) I decided a new year was as good a reason as any to restart this blog.  I also realized I needed to start writing again.

Last year (or two) brought some changes for me.  The most important thing is that I started attending a new church, The Fellowship at Scofield Farms.  Not only did I change my membership to the church, after much prayer (and a little disbelief), I agreed to be the Women's Ministry Leader.  It still amazes me that God used me to start at women's ministry. It's been challenging, but very educational and fulfilling.  I admit it had been awhile since I was involved in active ministry, and it was long past due. We're starting off this year in the women's Bible study with Beth Moore's study of the Book of Revelation as well as attending An Evening With Beth Moore at Shoreline Church at the end of this month.  I'm excited to see what God will do through me in this ministry in 2015.  

Until last July, my sister Brenda was stationed at Ft Hood in Killeen, TX, about an hour away from me.  It allowed us to spend more time together than we had in years.  It also allowed her to help me redesign my back yard.  The pictures are on my Facebook page one of many albums. She got promoted (finally!) and is now serving as the Area Leader of the Army Reserves Center in Columbus, Ohio.  Better her than me.  I hate cold weather, which is why I live in Texas.

Another major event in 2014 was being able to reconnect with old friends at my 30th High School Reunion at the end of September.  Pictures from the weekend can also be found in my Facebook albums.  It was really good to catch up with old friends from the Marion High School Class of 1984.  Thanks to the planning committee for a great weekend!

I guess that's enough for now since it it my intent to write more frequently.