Friday, June 20, 2008

Extended Silence

Wow, I didn't realize it had been this long since I've posted. Things that have kept me from being silent lately:

People in the left lane going 5 miles below the speed limit. I want a sign that says "If I passed you in the right-hand lane, you're in the wrong lane" Or better yet that on a big billboard on North Lamar! :-)

The same 866 telephone number appearing on my caller ID at least once a day. Get a clue! I don't want Dish Network.

Coffee with Tom Westbrook.

A birthday party with Joley; and by extension, playing "Don't be a Dork". Yes, I know it's too late for some of us.

Broken appliances: the clothes washer and A/C (at least the washer was till under warranty).

Now my introverted self can go back to being silent for a little bit.