Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Thank God for Tetris!

An amusing thought came to me this morning… Thank God for Tetris!

When I was in grad school at the University of Texas (Hook Em Horns!), my mom got me a Tetris watch… yep, you read that right… a Tetris watch.  Of course now it’s on my phone. 

She also got one for Auntie Linda (Linda Creamer Kidd – she home a few years ago), who adopted me as part of the ‘Adopt a Student’ program at University Baptist Church.  Because the church’s choir loft was above and behind the baptismal and stage, most people couldn’t tell that Auntie Linda and I had an ongoing Tetris tournament in the choir loft during services.  Yes, Tom Westbrook, I know you knew… and you called us on it… but it didn’t stop us.  I was going on the theory that if I could read a text book and watch TV at the same time, and comprehend both, I could play Tetris and listen to a sermon at the same time.  At least we turned the volume off. LOL!

The point of that story is to show that all the time playing Tetris came in handy when trying to load Christmas gifts, birthday gifts (for Sharon Ratzloff Terrel & Kerry Sandwell), luggage, and other things to take with me into my car. It’s really full, but I can still see out the back window, and it all fits.

I’m thankful that my neighbors watch my house when I’m gone and that I can get everything in my car.  Again, thank God for Tetris!   

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Till We Meet Again

I've thought of several ways to start this post, but they all seemed a little too cutesy for this topic.  So I'm just going to start.  Please bear with any random 'stream of consciousness' thoughts as I've got a lot of thoughts running thru my head today.

We had our last service at Northside Church Austin today.  There.  I said it.

While I know that God is in control, and He has a reason for everything, it was still a hard morning, closing this particular chapter of my life.  I think the hardest part is the thought of not seeing people on a regular basis.  We've become family, and I will miss them.  I'm trying to be positive, reminding myself that it's not necessarily 'goodbye', just 'see ya later'.

I've left churches before, and still maintained friendships, as it should be; but this is the first time it's been because the church closed. I know that churches close for whatever reason, but this is a new one for me; and I have to be honest, I don't like it.  Actually, I hate it.  I find myself disappointed, mad, sad, and about a bazillion other emotions today.  And it didn't help that I've been deleting the church's website, Twitter account, Facebook page and the Women's Ministry Facebook group page. 

Meanwhile I'm trying not to listen to the lies such as we didn't do enough, and we failed, or more accurately I didn't do enough, and I failed, but it's hard. And it seems that sticking my fingers in my ears while saying "Na na na na na, I can't hear you!" doesn't work as well as it did when I was a child.  I also have to fight the urge to blame others, saying that people weren't as committed as I was and bailed on the church.  This is a hard fight because if I'm being honest, I have felt this way for a while, and still feel this way.  So basically I'm trying to be an adult while wanting to be totally childish about it... child-ish, not child-like; and yes there's a big difference. This adulting thing really sucks today. 

I have to remind myself that God is in control, and that lives were changed through this ministry.  Mine included.  This sounds simple, but isn't.  Not really.  I know I can't do it on my own.  God has to help me and remind me.  Because, like I said, I want to be really childish today. 

Back to the idea of being positive and looking on the bright side... by not having church leadership/admin duties, I have time to put into project management and professional development classes for this next year.  Because I'm taking classes, I'm purposely not going to jump headfirst into a new active ministry like I'm prone to do when I start going to a new church.  That doesn't mean I will not be going to a church or participating in church events.  It just means that I won't be in charge of anything, leading anything, or planning anything for the time being.  While I'm taking classes, I will also be praying about my next active ministry.

In the mean time, this hymn has been going thru my head all morning.  This is for you Northside Church Austin:

God be with you till we meet again
By His counsels guide, uphold you
With His sheep securely fold you
God be with you till we meet again.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

These Things

Pastor Bob’s sermons at Northside Church Austin the last couple of weeks included John 16:33 – “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

It’s very appropriate for Holy Week.  Jesus was talking to the disciples in the upper room, giving them last minute information as He knew He what was coming, mainly the crucifixion and resurrection.  He was reassuring them for the upcoming hard times, letting them know that His leaving would bring better things for them and the world.  He wanted them to remember ‘these things’.

We all have had discussions with family and friends, regarding things we want them to know while we are not together.  We want them to remember, and they want us to remember ‘these things’.

For me that verse brings back memories of worship with K-State ICTHUS when I was a college student.  We used to sing a song titled “These Things” which was this verse.  I found myself singing it in my head during the sermons. .  It is still the song that comes to me as a dream when going through really tough times, letting me know that it will get better.  The funny thing is that it’s not me singing it in my dream, but my friend Rob Wood, who was on worship team with me.  I learned a lot during those years.  Wisdom that was imparted to me from fellow students:  Lori Hanes Howie who was the first person to disciple me. ‘Uncle’ Brad Boyd lead worship for years, followed by Brett Hersma. Bob Diehl was the speaker my first night there, and I still remember his talk. A guy I had several classes with, Mike Nichols, kept inviting me to come, and even took me on that first night.  Laura Keefer Lawless, joined us, and later became my roommate.  Needless to say there were a lot of things to remember from her.  These are just a few.  There are still ‘these things’ that I remember from all of them.

Later, in another campus ministry at UT, I learned more that have stayed with me for years, including words of wisdom from the college minister Tom Westbrook (“Oh Captain, My Captain”), and his wife Jill.  Many of the students from that ministry will say that they learned from them, as well as each other.   We all remember ‘these things’ as well.

Some of ‘these things’ are not as happy.  Easter weekend, and the beginning of April are bittersweet for me.  Easter day of 2002 was the last day I spoke with mom, as she passed away later that week.  Easter day of 2007 was the day my brother passed away.  I remember calling him that morning, and at the end of the call I told him “I’ll see you here, there or in the air” (a sentiment I plagiarized from my friend Travis Fell).  I started packing as soon as I got off the phone with him, knowing I’d be driving to Kansas within a day or two.  And yes, I still remember ‘these things’ too.

I’ve held on to all of ‘these things’, and many more; and used them in daily life and in ministry.

What are you ‘these things’?