Thursday, October 11, 2007

Things that make you go "AAAHHHH!"

See my latest rant on The Flag, God, and Political Posturing on Voice in the Wilderness.

Then there is Israel's Prime Minister Olmert calling for a divided Jerusalem. Thankfully Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's former Prime Minister, took to the floor of Israel's Parliament and totally layes into Olmert and his government. You can read more about it from Natan Sharansky's One Jerusalem blog and in the Jerusalem Post.

Sometimes I get sick of the political posturing that is happening around the world. The US can't think it has cornered the market on that. When I get to that point and consider going back to my political apathy of the early 90's, I remember that all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men (and women) to do nothing.

So when you have no other option except to scream "AAAHHHH!" just make sure you're heard.

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