Sunday, April 03, 2016

Kindred Spirits

From time to time God surprises me with a new kindred spirit friend.  For those who don't know what a kindred spirit is, defines it as "a person who shares beliefs, attitudes, feelings, or features with another".  Some people use "soul mate" interchangeably with kindred spirit.  I personally don't agree with that because I have kindred spirits who are not my soul mate - and in one case I'm sure Jonathan's wife Rhoda is happy about that.  I know who my kindred spirits are.  I do not yet know who my soul mate is, or even if I have one.  While they can be similar, they are not the same.

Sometimes it takes a while to realize that we are kindred spirits. Sometimes we know after a short amount of time.  Even so, I have been surprised that after only 2 weeks, I have a new kindred spirit in Moses, the new interim pastor at The Fellowship at Scofield Farms.  It's nice to have another kindred spirit to do ministry with, and bounce ideas off of.

Having a kindred spirit in ministry can make it easier, and often more fun; or help you make it through difficult times.  Kindred spirits are a resource... a prayer supporter...  they help you grow, and grow closer to God.

I hope you appreciate and pray for your kindred spirits like I do mine.

1 comment:

Coleen said...

I like this and it makes such perfect sense to me! Ben and I have friends that we have known since our married student housing days; Steve and I are just alike and Ben and Peggy are just alike ... it's just crazy but we have so much fun together! Happy Tuesday!