Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Things that squeak and make other noises

Bad stuff first. See my blog on Voice in the Wilderness on squeaky wheels.

Now the fun stuff - other noises. Babies, babies and more babies:

Mike and Jodi welcomed Abram Michael into the world - and from what they can tell he looks like his daddy. You can see pics of him at

John and Jennie's first is John Landrum Loftis V - how's that for a name. His Uncle Darron said he's going to call him "Cinco". I approve. Don't have a site for pics, but have seen several, and he's way majorly cute.

Others on the way... Dan & Lisa are expecting a girl in early November; Eric and Jen are expecting a boy (Given name is John Wayne and is called Jack) right before Thanksgiving; Bobby & Ruth recently found out they are expecting (she's 8 weeks)

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I can't remember...

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