Life is meant to have color, variety, goodness and adventure. And no Kansas is not really in black and white, or sepia-tone, which is what was actually used in the movie. This is pretty much life seen through my eyes and my Judeo-Christian worldview.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
On my political soapbox
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
The Next Step...
Well as of today I get to add a new topic... Home Ownership. Yep, by the end of the day I should be the proud owner of a 1/1 condo in North Austin. My sister says it's about time. My dad doesn't want me going into that much debt (too late for that one!)
Now comes the crazy part - MOVING! I'm a pack rat. I admit it. I come by it honestly from both parents - not to mention grandparents who didn't want to get rid of anything - because of course as soon as you get rid of it, you'll need it.
Anyway, I just wanted to share my next step in the scary realm of adulthood.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Things that make you go "AAAHHHH!"
Then there is Israel's Prime Minister Olmert calling for a divided Jerusalem. Thankfully Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's former Prime Minister, took to the floor of Israel's Parliament and totally layes into Olmert and his government. You can read more about it from Natan Sharansky's One Jerusalem blog and in the Jerusalem Post.
Sometimes I get sick of the political posturing that is happening around the world. The US can't think it has cornered the market on that. When I get to that point and consider going back to my political apathy of the early 90's, I remember that all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men (and women) to do nothing.
So when you have no other option except to scream "AAAHHHH!" just make sure you're heard.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Postcards & Prayers for Bella
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Things that squeak and make other noises
Now the fun stuff - other noises. Babies, babies and more babies:
Mike and Jodi welcomed Abram Michael into the world - and from what they can tell he looks like his daddy. You can see pics of him at
John and Jennie's first is John Landrum Loftis V - how's that for a name. His Uncle Darron said he's going to call him "Cinco". I approve. Don't have a site for pics, but have seen several, and he's way majorly cute.
Others on the way... Dan & Lisa are expecting a girl in early November; Eric and Jen are expecting a boy (Given name is John Wayne and is called Jack) right before Thanksgiving; Bobby & Ruth recently found out they are expecting (she's 8 weeks)
I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but I can't remember...
Friday, July 20, 2007
Exploitation of fallen soldiers is an outrage
Friday, July 06, 2007
New Blog to check out
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Let the Punishment Fit the Crime - NOT!
Oh come on! Give me a break! If anyone should do the public service it should be those who were cheering, not the students. They had no control over the actions of others while they were walking across the stage. The Galesburg school district has gone overboard with their ridiculous and unreasonable punishment for students who did absolutely nothing wrong.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Fun(d) Raising
So if you find yourself "flocked", don't jump to conclusions, and consider helping out by contributing to the fun(d).
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Congo Line
Dear Family and Friends,
Thank you for letting me continue to share with you what God has been doing in my life; and for supporting me both financially, and prayerfully as I went to the Ubangi region of the

The Tandala hospital serves the population base of approximately 200,000 in the region. It has its own nursing school with an emphasis on public health, and caring for the needs of the people in that region. There are 3 full time Congolese physicians leading the ministry of the hospital.
If I had to use one word for this trip, it would be “flexibility”. Plans for this trip changed for me from day one. My first flight out of Austin was cancelled five minutes before it was supposed to take off. After 45 minutes my flight was rescheduled and I had about 10 minutes to get thru security and to my gate. Little did I know at the time that this would set the tone for the rest of the trip – especially the travel logistics.
Once we got to the DRC, with our all of our luggage (Praise God), our team was divided between those who were there to teach at the Bible Institutes in Bau and Tandala; and those working at the Hospital and Nursing School in Tandala, which is the team I was on. While I didn’t totally understand the language and therefore how I was introduced, I did manage to pick up that the Congolese were told I work with White Cross sending supplies, and that I was there to see what was going on at the hospital. This resulted in people not quite knowing what to do with me at first. They wanted to show me everything and explain a lot of things, but I got the impression that they didn’t necessarily want to let me actually do anything, which was frustrating for me. After a day or so, Thelma, had me sorting and inventorying medical supplies in the hospital depot. This was in addition to inventorying supplies at the mission house, along with preparing breakfast and dinner for the team in Tandala. I did more counting and sorting than I care to admit … and I now know a lot more about surgical sutures and clamps than I ever wanted to know.
While it seemed like all I did at first was sorting, counting, and cooking, I was able to help in other ways, and learn more about the Congolese people. The creativity of the Congolese people amazed me at times in the ways they made due with what they had. For example, the hospital had received a shipment of paper gowns, but couldn’t use them. So I ended up helping Alfonsine, one of the ladies at the depot cut them into rectangles and strips. She then sewed them into surgical masks. This not only made use of the gowns, but also supplied the hospital with more surgical masks while they waited for the next container shipment to arrive.
The Congolese people are very welcoming, and very giving. I think I shook more hands on this trip than I’ve ever shaken in my life. And while they don’t have much, they give what they have with a great amount of joy that is encouraging to see. It brought to mind the story of the widow’s mite. Their joy is also very evident in their worship. The services there last as long as both morning services at FEFC together and often include multiple offerings during which everyone files to the front to put their offerings in the baskets.
While in Gemena, we were updated on the ministries of the Community of Evangelical Churches in Ubangi (CECU), the largest Evangelical Free Church in the world after the US. Global Fingerprints, the Aids orphan sponsorship program, is still in the pilot phase, but making progress.
We were also able to see improvements being made at the hospital including a new septic system, which needed upgrading, to go along with the new latrine/shower system being built. The hospital’s administrator, and dentist, used a great amount of creativity in making improvements to the facilities.
I was also able to help by taking pictures at the World Food Program (WFP) clinic for malnourished children. While one of the other team members took the majority of the pics on the trip (thanks Dan), he had other obligations at that time, so I took pictures for the WFP administrator to use in their newsletters and reports.
Toward the end of the trip, I was surprised to find myself ministering more to our team members than to the Congolese people, and it was a major paradigm shift for me. It took me a while to realize that I had gone with a set of expectations very different than what I was experiencing. This caused some major frustrations. I felt like I wasn’t really doing anything of consequence during a fair portion of the trip. Eventually, with the help of Carol and Tom, I finally got it thru my head that ministering to the team members allowed them to do what they needed to do to serve the Congolese people.
Shortly before we left Tandala, one of the doctors at the hospital asked me if I was going to come back. Of course this was after questioning me about still being single and having no children, which I found kind of amusing.
Others here have also asked me about plans to go back. My answer to him, and to them, is the same: “God willing”.
Thank you for allowing me to continue sharing what God has been and is doing both in my life, and in the DRC. Soli Deo Gloria!
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
What's that white stuff on the ground?

I found it funny, so I snapped a shot. Later got shots of my roommate playing in the snow. Yep that's right, we had snow flurries today too - big fluffy ones - and there as even some accumulation.
Every few years or so, we see actual winter weather and everything shuts down. I have no problem staying off the road in winter weather here. Although I grew up driving in it, I don't like being on the road with those who didn't.
Sunday morning I was sitting in church, and during the announcements, they said that the office would be closed and all church events on Monday would be cancelled due to immenent weather. The staff member who was giving the announcements made a comment that he was sure that those of us who grew up in more northern areas were laughing at the Texans - he was right. I was lauging as was my friend Derek who grew up in Michigan.
The only question left is whether or not I'll have to go to work tomorrow.