Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Exotic Travel Destinations

OK, so last fall my travel destination was Israel. It was a dream trip. This year's destination is the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

The continent isn't the only difference in the trip. It's not a vacation, but a missions trip. Part of my time will be spent working at a hospital in Tandala - which is in the Ubangi Province (NW part of the country.) I gotta admit that it's pretty well out of my comfort zone, but that's OK. God is going to a lot of trouble (at least by our standards) to get me on this trip, so who am I to argue.

The Tandala hospital is a 180 bed general hospital. It has its own nursing school with an emphasis on public health, Aids, and caring for the needs of a huge population base. There are two full time Congolese physicians leading the ministry. However, workers are needed in almost every area for short or long periods of time.

The Evangelical Free Church of America International Ministries has organized a Missions Vision Trip to the DRC from October 18th thru November 5th. As part of the team for this trip I will get to visit the Tandala hospital and spend a few days working there. This will help me get a better idea of what their needs are and how we could possibly partner with them in ministry.

[insert shameless plug here - it's my blog, I can do that...]
Because this is a missions trip, I'm raising support to cover the costs of the trip, which is about $3,000. This will cover airfare, meals, lodging and other group travel. I will be responsible for my own incidentals and any personal things I may wish to buy. If God leads you to support me financially, your check should be made out to “FEFC”. On the memo line put “Congo Vision Trip-Cindy Ellis”. The donation will be tax deductible. If you want a receipt for tax purposes, please let FEFC office know when you send the check. You can send the check to FEFC at:

FEFC Missions
4220 Monterey Oaks Blvd
Austin, TX 78749

If you want to be on my prayer support team, just e-mail me and I'll add you to my list.

Been getting the first round of immunizations. Not fun either but necessary. I go back in September for round 2. The Austin Diagnotic Clinic's Travel Clinic at the North Austin Medical Center is very good and thorough when it comes to determining what immunizations are needed. Some of them still make me sick, but I think I'm done with those. Don't expect side affects from the ones I still need.

I'll be posting more (and more frequently) about the trip and what I learn.

1 comment:

Larry Short said...

So glad you're going to the Congo. You'll love it! I just got back, a month ago. I was in the south, but am planning on returning and going to Tandala with a church short term missions team next July.

Check out my blog:

God bless!