My friend, and author, Elisabeth Wheatley suggested I
should start a podcast. I laughed. It started with her posting a GIF from “Last
Man Standing” with a caption that says “Talking: It’s one of my favorite
hobbies.” In all honesty, I do resemble that;
and I found the GIF funny. I get it from
my mom’s side of the family… more specifically the Hidy branch. There is a family joke about communication
methods… Telegraph, Telephone, Tell-A-Hidy.
Yes, we’re a bunch of talkers.
To make a short story long, because that’s what I do, my
response to Elisabeth was “Another rambling podcast?... I think there are too
many of those already. Not like yours with cool stories.” Suffice it to say, I will not be adding to
the plethora of rambling podcasts, and stick to the occasional blog post. I’ve given up on promising regular posts as my
track record reflects that I’m not that consistent in spite of intentions.
If you want a fun podcast instead of a rambling one, I
recommend Elisabeth’s Broken
Enchantments Podcast based on her Argetallam Saga books. If podcasts aren’t your thing and you still
want a good fantasy story (not all are kid friendly), check out her books on
her website and/or Amazon.