This is my last day in my 40's. Yes, I admit it. I turn 50 tomorrow... or more accurately, 29 with 21 years of experience. (Thank you again Lisa Mayfield!) So I'm asking myself: 'Self, how the heck did I get to this point in my life?' Standard responses in my head are: "Time" (duh), and "The Grace of God" (double duh). Other than the totally obvious just stated, I have no clue; especially since I'm not anywhere thought I'd be when I was younger. However, even though I never saw myself where I am now, or doing what I'm doing now, I'm really happy. Even more so when I think about places I've been and things I've done that were not in "my" plan. Sometimes not having your plans for yourself work out can be a good thing... sometimes it can even be a great thing.
And as it frequently does, reaching a milestone brings introspection & memories. On my Facebook page I share my post from 1 year ago which lead to memories of a college student ministry retreat from 25 years ago. It was a little freaky thinking about the fact that it was half my life ago. However, those memories brought a smile to my face.
Recently there have also been family memories both, good and bad, leading up to a family reunion in Kansas next month. Family can certainly be difficult at times. You still have to love them though... even when you may not actually like them at that particular moment.
I know this is sounding a little cheesy and maybe even a little sappy; but as I start the next decade, I'm looking forward to the new memories than may come from my plans not working out.