Sunday, January 24, 2016

I'm listening

"I'm listening."   It's what everyone wants to hear when they have something to say; and hopefully something we're willing to say when others need to talk.  However, listening isn't always a good thing.  The trick is in listening to the things that are beneficial to us, and ignoring the things that are false and/or harmful. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it? Yeah, it's not. I admit I've struggled with this off and on for years. (decades?)

The thoughts have bounced all over the place about where to go from here.  I didn't want to sound too "preachy", but I also didn't want to sound like it shouldn't be taken seriously. Listening to the lies that are all around us can cause more damage than we realize.  I'm still learning and struggling with this.  I used to think that when I got older I'd have this under control, but now I know this is a life-long struggle.  Some lies cause more damage than others.

However, the solution is the same as it's always been: Faith. When we hold on to those things we know to be true; the things that come from God, the easier it is to tell what is a lie. I confess that I've forgotten that more often than I care to admit.  But I got a reminder today at church.   The sermon was on the Supremacy of Christ in Colossians 1:15-23; and being reconciled to God thru Christ.  However, there is one phrase that struck me as also being helpful in combating against the lies that Satan wants us to believe: "if you continue in your faith, established and firm, and do not move from the hope held out in the gospel."  Part of being reconciled to God is Him helping us to not listen to the lies.

Thanks to Pastor Russell for the message.  He'll be happy to know I was listening.

Friday, January 01, 2016

Hmmmm... We'll see...

It's New Year's Day, 2016; and I feel like I should write something, but don't know exactly what to write, so stream of consciousness it is.  So let me start with "Happy New Year!"

Earlier today I went to a movie with my friend Susan.  Finally got to see the new Star Wars movie.  Glad I saw it in 3D. Some shocks and a lot of questions for next movie(s). Then we did a bit of shopping. Can't tell you what I bought because if my sister reads this, part of her birthday present will not be a surprise.

This evening is being spend watching cheesy movies I've already seen (more than once) and and reading newsy holiday letters - both hard copy and electronic - and new blog posts. New family pictures are on the refrigerator, and cards are up on the door to the coat closet.

I admit I'm taking my time unpacking.  I can procrastinate with the best of them.  Tomorrow the unpacking procrastination will come in the form of taking down the outside Christmas lights.  At least that's the goal.  We'll see.

That's actually what's been my reaction to the new year.  Hmmmm... We'll see.  Yes, I have goals.  And plans.  But I'm going to try not to get bent out of shape if I don't meet my self set goals or things don't go according plan.  I know that God can change my plans and goals.

My primary goal for this year, is to listen more, and be open to God's leading no matter what my plans are.  I know His plans are better than mine.  I just pray for the strength and help to follow what He has for me... and to say "OK God, your will not mine." even when He only gives me one piece of the puzzle at a time.  At least I know how the story ends.  So that's one thing where I won't need to say Hmmmm.

"The rest of the story" for 2016? (yes, that's a reference to Paul Harvey).  Just let me say Hmmmm... We'll see...