Saturday, July 18, 2015

Being Unseen

I spent the day at Northwest Fellowship watching a replay of the "Undivided Heart" simulcast by Leslie Ludy; and learned a lot.  I was also convicted of a few things.  In talking about motives for ministry, she made the point that God must purify my motives.
She made a statement that stuck with me. She said that we "must be willing to be unseen." I admit that sometimes I like the appearance of being unseen, while craving selfish acknowledgements of the things I do. I know my spiritual gifts include ones that have me working behind the scenes (see my last blog entry and/or Romans 12 for more on spiritual gifts); but I still struggle with wanting to be appreciated.  It's a fine line to walk, that I don't always manage to walk.

I still have more to process from today, but this was this point that struck me, and convicted me the most