Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Long Absence & About Dreams

I admit I have neglected this site. While it seems that there have been a variety of thing happening, sometimes I just need to stop and decompress. I guess I decompressed a little longer than planned.

I've found a new fascination - an actor/singer who played Joseph in "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Coat" in London at the West End (London's equivalent of Broadway) after winning a nationwide competition in Britian (which is currently airing on BBC America). His name is Lee Mead, and he's got a fabulous voice. I also recently found an online video of him singing "Any Dream Will Do" with 2 former Joseph's, Jason Donovan, and one of my personal favorites, Donny Osmond. I absolutely love it!

My next dream will come in September. I get to go to another place I've always wanted to see. This one is #3 on my list of "if you could go anywhere"... First was Israel, which I got to see in 2005. Second is Machu Picchu - haven't been there yet. Third on the list, and this year's destination is Rome! Yep, I'm going to Rome at the end of September. I'm meeting my friend Rendi there. I had to laugh because my friend Tommy is happy for me, but at the same time bummed that I get to see The Vatican before him. That's OK, I know I can make it better by bringing him a mug. :-)

It started off as kinda joking, but then turned into a serious conversation, and now looking at flights from Austin to Rome at the end of September. This does mean that I'll miss my high school reunion, but this is once in a lifetime. And it's not like I've made any of the others. There will be other reunions. And for the Marion High class of ??, don't feel bad, I'm also missing a family reunion that same weekend. Someone please take pictures for me.

Anyway, once again, I got a fun reminder to not give up on dreams because they can come true when you least expect it.